U-Boutique is associated with companies and organizations that support Israel.

BIG - Buy Israel goods
BIG is a consumer guide for the retail purchase of Israeli products brought to you by the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) and StandWithUs (SWU). We formed a relationship along with other like-minded organizations in order to join in this effort to support Israel when you Buy Israeli Goods. 
Stand with us
StandWithUs, is an international, non-profit organization. We believe that education is the road to peace. StandWithUs is dedicated to informing the public about Israel and to combating the extremism and anti-Semitism that often distorts the issues.

Israel Forever
The Israel Forever Foundation is an Israel Engagement Organization that develops, supports and promotes virtual experiential learning opportunities to celebrate and strengthen the personal connection to Israel for people around the world.

Jews News
Jews News started as a tiny Facebook page that Baruch Hashem has grown into the largest Jewish Facebook page on earth. We post a variety of material each day that hopes to impact our audience, which is made up almost exclusively of our fellow Jews and pro-Israel supporters from around the world. We realized that in order to achieve our goal of bringing truthful news to the world, we would have to develop our own website that would give us the freedom to post exactly what we wanted at all times.
Buy Israel Week 
Buy Israel Week was started to combat the call for boycotting Israel, which is heard all around the world continuously. Buy Israel Week is your opportunity to do a little bit to boost the Israeli economy by buying Israeli made products and supporting Israeli charities. 
I travel Jerusalem
iTravelJerusalem.com was established by JDA, and is a unique venture which combines both public and private sectors to promote Jerusalem's Tourism.
The iTravelJerusalem.com website gathers all travel information of the city and its surroundings, and enables you to tailor your cultural vacation packages based on your interest and personal preferences.
Israel Art Group
We are a group of about 30 Israeli artists who deal with variety of artworks.  
Kosher on a Budget
Kosher on a Budget is a personal blog written and edited by Mara Strom Sachs. By sharing tips, stories, recipes, freebies, coupons, and deal match-ups, She hopes to give you the tools and inspiration to live a rich, kosher life that is within your means.
Mati Shay - Business Development Center
Mati for Shomron, is a not for profit foundation and center, fostering the development of Business Initiatives for the Shomron region including the Jordan Valley, Megillot and Binyamin.  Mati has gathered together under its wing, the largest Organization of Artists to be found in the entire area of Judea and Samaria.

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